petmasters Approved

Empowering the Adopter: The conversation that should happen more.

*receives email

Dear dog trainer,

I adopted a dog that is struggling with strong fears, anxieties, reactivity, and/or biting. The organization I adopted from, which never mentioned her issues and claimed she was friendly and social, has not provided much, if any, support and has even blamed our family for the dog's problems. We would appreciate a thorough assessment of our rescue pup to gain a better understanding of the reasons behind her behavior

Can you help me?

Sincerely ,

Lovely Dog Parents

"In my experience, this is a frequently encountered request from families with rescue dogs. The trainers and openly compassionate rescues I've had the privilege to collaborate with face a challenging truth when presented with this request. While there are many well-intentioned adopters who effectively reinforce these behaviors, it's essential to acknowledge that no dog trainer or rescue professional possesses all-encompassing knowledge of dog behavior and training, including myself.

With over 15 years in the professional behavior space, I consider myself an average dog trainer, perhaps influenced by the uninformed opinions of others or my own human ego. It's essential to recognize that disparities persist, especially in marginalized communities that are not treated equally.

As of 2023, systemic prejudices still exist in Buffalo, NY, affecting both local rescue organizations and 'purely positive' dog training communities. Subtle undertones biases related to class, training philosophy, and race continue to play a role. While this is a known issue, it's vital to address and work towards inclusivity and equity.

This is something that is known but rarely spoken.

I am dedicated to fostering kindness as a central theme in my overall missions and contributions the things I care for the most. It is imperative to underscore the importance of fostering candid and transparent discussions within my local dog communities and throughout dog communities in the United States. It's worth noting that even the widely recognized dog organizations and individuals on platforms like Instagram and Facebook may not always hold the definitive answers when it comes to ALL ASPECTS OF DOG BEHAVIOR and TRAINING, irrespective of the beliefs within their exclusive circles.

"Honestly, I have been privileged to work with more organizations that care about equality and supporting adopters than not. For that, I am grateful."

I work with families every day (except for Buffalo Bills Game Days) , dog parents and loving people who are struggling with a rescue dog rushed into homes without any technical or adapted support.

Allow me to offer you some encouragement:

"Your journey with your rescue dog may present challenges, but do not despair – there exists remarkable potential for transformation and healing within the bond you share. Your patience, compassion, and unwavering commitment serve as the keys to a brighter future for both you and your furry friend. Disregard the naysayers and follow the path that feels right for you, aiming for greatness."

I am eager to hear from YOU! Please feel free to email or message me, and let's engage in a conversation about how we can support your journey."

~ Myles DBG, (716) 908-3615